Friday, September 4, 2009

9/14/09 - Miss Sobriety

So, this week has been pretty awesome, as always. Monday night Allie and I went to Birdland for Cast Party. It was super awesome, there were a ridiculous number of amazingly talented people there. But the main reason we went was to see Natalie Weiss and Miranda, both of which are awesome… in their own way. haha. They performed What is this Feeling from Wicked, and were hilarious. There’s probably a video on youtube of it by now, so check it out. After they performed together they each did another song (but Miranda performed as her “real self” the amazingly talented Colleen Ballinger) and, yeah, it was so great. I didn’t get to talk to either that night which was really sad, but since I’m an expert Facebook stalker, I’ll probably get another chance to at least see Natalie. :-) But, yeah, a bunch of other people performed too and it was bacially a great night of music. Oh my goodness, and Allie and I sat with this couple that was really nice, but… I dunno, they were just like bragging about themselves the entire time we talked. “yes, I’m in Sweeney Todd” (in Jersey, like that counts. lol) “and I’m auditioning for Avenue Q, and why yes, it did take me two weeks to learn the songs, but I’m classically trained.” hehe. They were just kind of funny… in a socially awkward way.

Overall, fun night. Some other people from the Tony’s were there too, which was awesome. Gotta love running into people I know, even in New York! haha. But Tuesday I had to do some catch up work before Wednesday’s meeting, Wednesday I went downtown for another Psychology21C meeting, and then Thursday I went to the library and ended up working for a long long time on the biographical section of my survey. I got stuck on the race/ethnicity question (thanks US census bureau for that one, lol) and then on social class distinctions. Super interesting (in my opinion), but not necessarily exciting. haha. Then Thursday night I sat through the worst basketball game in my life, lol. But, seriously, it was so frustrating! Then Friday I tried to catch up on sleep again, went to Washington Square Park and read for a while (one of my favorite things to do!), and then went to the Grant Hyatt at Grand Central Station to see people from Auburn’s Chamber Choir!! They’re singing in Carnegie Hall on Sunday, which is soo awesome (how do you get to Carnegie Hall? Apparently have an awesome choir director and he’ll get you in. haha) but they got here Wednesday. So I went there and went to dinner with some of them at Juniors (yum) and then they went to see Guys and Dolls (which sadly closed today, so I won’t get to see it. Oh well… I would have liked to see Lauren Graham though).

Today was… interesting. lol. When I finally woke up it was really pretty outside so I was going to go to Central Park and chill for a bit. But then it was raining when I got out of the subway, lol, I went to a Starbucks instead and curled up with a vanilla latte. ;-) Then I trekked back to my dorm before leaving again for dinner. haha! At around 9 I met with Byron, from my dorm, and we headed out on the town. We wandered down to Bleeker Street and people watched a bit, counting the sushi bars and novelty shops (lol) we passed. Then Byron said that we should go to Times Square, cause he’s never seen it at night. I said yes, even though I don’t love Times Square (which I know I’ve said enough times in this, lol) and we headed up 7th Ave. From then on our night was hilarious. haha. So here’s my top things that happened tonight in midtown…

  • We were walking down 56th when a guy calls out to Byron “hey man, can we take your girl on a tour?” which sounds a little like code for rape. As though he was gonna say ‘yeah, sure man, take her.’ lol
  • In Toys R’Us I was told that I couldn’t play DDR without my shoes on, and that I could fight with the swords. Geez, they don’t want you to have any fun!
  • Walking up 7th towards Central Park we passed a homeless man with a sign that says “need money for beer, drugs, and hookers… at least I’m not bulls****ing you.” hahaha, I almost gave him money, cause the sign was hilarious. But then as we passed he reaches towards me and says “YES! REAL hair!!” (… which is even funnier because my hair is so not real. lol)
  • Shortly after we passed this man, a shady character in a long black coat walked past us and literally muttered “Cocaine, marijuana, check it out…” and kept walking… we both burst out laughing as soon as he passed, like, that really just happened. Soooo funny!
  • On our way uptown we ended up walking behind this awkward white couple, and the male part kept drifting his hand down to the girls butt, and then he would move it back up like every few seconds. It was so so awkward, I felt a little sorry for both of them. lol. But, really, who walks like that? weird… haha.
  • Passed one of those pass it on signs and it was Helen Keller. The tagline said “Could only see possibilities: foresight.” I started laughing hysterically when I saw it, and Byron told me I was a bad person. But, c’mon, that’s funny. Plus it caught me totally off guard. foresight… hehe.
  • A comedy club promoter walked up to us and said “Black people,” (he was black… ish. Carribean or something. haha) “Do you want to come to a comedy club tonight? Just us n****rs, no white people.” we both started laughing, and then he turned to the white people next to us at the crosswalk and said “Do you like white people? No n****rs, at the comedy club.” Those poor people looked soooo uncomfortable, and it was so funny. The light changed so we started to walk as he cried after us “Do you want to come? $10. And there will be fried chicken…” ah, gotta love racial stereotyping. Especially since Byron almost turned around. ;-) haha.

So, yeah Fun night. haha. and now I shall sleep, I am le tired.

Ooh, I added a guest book so now anyone can leave comments I think? Try it out. ;-)

**edit: you still have to sign in to comment. lame. but I’m working on it…

5 more days till Tommy comes to visit me!! I’m sooo excited. Okay, sorry, just had to get that out for everyone to see. Cause putting in my Twitter would be so high school (or John Mayer-esq, whichever)

With love



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