Friday, September 4, 2009

2/1/09 - Pretend to be Nice

I love hour long drama's. I started with Gilmore Girls in 6th grade, and my current favorite is, naturally, Gossip Girl.
Now, I was one of those pre-teen girls that read the books and I give major props to the author of the series for being way ahead of the curve as far as the use of the internet for gossip. Because they were written way before blogging or facebook. Crazy. Anyway, the books were and are awesome; all superficial and insipid and ridiculous... exactly my kind of book. :)
on a random note, I just saw a preview for The Pursuit of Happyness... why hasn't Will Smith gotten an Academy Award yet? I just love him. But, I digress...
I say all of this because my life would be soo much better if I existed in Gossip Girl world. I would wear fabulous clothes all the time, and not be surrounded by people who literially roll out of bed and leave their apartments (ew), and we would have a constant source of all the best news about people we really knew. There would never be any consequences for anything, and I would live in the upper east side.
I'm just saying... it'd be cool.
With love <3

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