Friday, September 4, 2009

5/26/09 - Don't Stop Believin'

You know that terrible show on VH1, with that idiot girl from flavor of love? Well, it's really dumb and makes black women everywhere look bad (thanks for that), but the title is totally accurate... I LOVE NEW YORK!!! :-)
Sorry, I couldn't resist that introduction. haha. Anyway, I've now been in New York City for a total of three days and I absolutely love it. I've always said that Charleston was my favorite city in America, but clearly I was just waiting to discover New York. Sunday after my wonderful parents left me in my dorm at NYU (major props to them for driving me up here. I mean, it wasn't all fun and games, but I think flying here alone for my first time in the city would've been a bit overwhelming) I just wandered up 5th Avenue a bit, checking out the stores and the atmosphere. I ended up in the Barnes and Noble, which was so so awesome. I felt like Meg Ryan might show up around the corner any moment trashing chain stores (please let someone catch that reference...). Anyway, it was awesome and I bought a new Madeline Wickham book and then went to Washington Square Park and read for a little while. There was an adorable little boy there with his dad, and he kept running over to random people and smiling charmingly at them before his dad scooped him back up. However, no one seemed available to sell me a dime bag, which was disappointing because at least 2 novels and 3 guidebooks assured me that Washington Square Park was the place to get drugs.
**note: I don't do drugs, have never done them, and have no intention of starting. I'm just commenting on the lack of sketchy drug dealers in the park and my vague disappointment in being misled. Plus I'm joking. ;-)**
When the sun started to go down, I wandered back up 5th Avenue to Rubin, my building, and unpacked my things (only after enjoying a burger from some place with the number 9 in it. it was good, lol). I met my roommate, who I think is names Kelly. She goes to NYU, works at a bank on 5th, and is tiny, Asian, and carried Marc Jacob bags like they're nothing. She's really nice, which is a relief.
Monday I went to Au Bon Pain (who knew those existed outside of Auburn? haha) and got a muffin and coffee (eh) before embarking on my great adventure: figuring out the subway system. I think i did a pretty good job, haha. I got on one at 14th and Broadway to head to Times Square, and spent most of the afternoon hanging out in the touristy part of midtown.
And now my usual blog list, haha. I'm well aware of the fact that I am not a real "New Yorker" but I feel like I've seen enough New York based movies and television shows, and read enough New York books that I'm pretty gosh darn close to earning my New Yorker-ness. And I just didn't love times square. So here are my reasons Times Square isn't nearly as awesome as Greenwich Village. :-)
1) Greenwich Village just feels cool. Everyone is cute and looks smart, but not in an Ivy League way. And the little shops are quirky and fun.
2) Greenwich Village is like a big neighborhood. It's so much less sketchy than midtown with the random people trying to hustle you and convince you to take tours or whatever.
3) It's less overbearing. Times Square attacks you, with all its lights and noise and gimmicks. Its like Disney World condensed into like 4 blocks.
4) Times Square is filled with tourists with fanny packs. And that's just unacceptable. You're in New York people... at least pretend to be cool.
But, okay, mostly I liked Times Square too (really I meant midtown in general, all te way up to Central Park. I just call it Times Square cause its easier, and people who haven't been here can picture it). Just not as much as Greenwich Village, where I already feel at home. Anyway, I went into the M&M place, and wandered into the American Girl store (awesome) and Bergdorfs and Tiffany's. The last two were so so so awesome that for the first time in my life I really wished I was actually wealthy enough to afford places like that. Sadly that's not happening for a while, but I had the guy take out some of the Tiffany's key charms for me to look at anyway. :-)
I also wandered around and saw at least 3 of the Broadway Theaters. Eeek! I want sooo badly to see Billy Elliot, In the Heights, Wicked, and... really everything! haha. But, oh man, walking past them was awesome by it self. It makes me want to drop out of school and just audition for Broadway shows until I get in one. Alas, I'm far too sensible to do things like that. Sadly.
Then I went to Central Park and sat on a bench with a hot dog and book from The Strand (oh man, I could write a whole blog on how awesome the Strand is haha). After a while I went and visited my New York Plainsman, Alvonice, in his dorm and discovered that he lives near the Starbucks where the bomb went off Monday morning (what better way to celebrate Memorial Day than an anonymous act of violence? Go America.). There were a million secret servicy type people there playing BrickBreaker and drinking Caramel frappuccino's, so I'm thinking all is well. Thank goodness, cause I don't know what New York would do with one less Starbucks.
And, yeah. After chilling at Alvonice's dorm with some of his finance friends, I came back to Rubin and watched the Lakers lose with some fellow residents. And today I started my internship, which is an entire post on its own. Not right now though, because I need to stop. My poor fingers are cramping!
Sorry this is so long. It's okay if you didn't read the whole thing... just get this part. New York is awesome. I want to live here. But I miss my people in Alabama. Bergdorfs and Tiffany's are legit, but Greenwich Village is better than the Upper East side. ;-) Broadway theaters = one hundred percent delightful, just from the outside! My days are spent half in research and work, and half in loafing around, getting to know the city. Don't worry about me, I'm anything but "a small town girl living in a lonely world..."
With love,

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