But before the game, Ole Miss suffered a small embarrassment. Some members of the Ku Klux Klan showed up to protest. My understanding is that Ole Miss traditionally sings a song called Dixie-something or another, and at the end fans have started chanting "The south will rise again!"
But some of the administration of the University don't like this tradition (can't imagine why...) and they requested that the fans stop adding that phrase to the song. Because it's offensive. And they didn't care. So then the University made the band stop playing the song all together. Like a punishment for an entire football stadium. Funny. lol.
Anyway, this information was very interesting to me, not because of the actual story (which is just stupid and annoying) but because of the information about the Klan. And how the articles about the protest have, like, little quotes from the Klan as though they simply found their statements in a press release packet. I thought they were like a big secret. Apparently not.
Cause I googled (or, actually, binged them) them and found their official website... which was a terrible website, production value-wise. I did find a lot of enlightening information though and decided to share with my loyal reader a list of my favorite points from the Klan's platform (yeah, they have a platform. oh dear).
- The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation. As James Madison, known as the "Chief Architect of the Constitution" stated; " We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves to control ourselves to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
- The recognition that America was founded as a White nation. America was born as an extension of White European heritage. Those who formed the very ideals that we cherish such as freedom of speech, trial by jury, innocent until proven guilty, free enterprise, etc. were of White European heritage. All of the early laws of the United States from its very inception restricted citizenship to White people and all of the early charters, laws, compacts, etc were signed into effect by White people.
- Abolish all anti-gun laws and encourage every adult to own a weapon. The cure for crime in America is not take guns off the streets but to put more guns ON the streets. Violent criminals should be punished, but law abiding citizens should be allowed to defend their homes, business and families with out fear of the federal government treating them as the criminal.
- Put American troops on our border to STOP the flood of illegal aliens. America is being over run by illegal immigrants mostly from nonwhite countries who do not share the Christian European values of our nation's founders. Immigration should remain open to all White Christians throughout the world . There is not one single country that does not persecute it's White Christian citizens such as in South Africa where the violent crime against Whites is at an all time high. The entire reasoning behind the forming of America was to allow one place in the world where White Christians could live together in harmony without any outside interference from those of other religions or races.
- Actively promote love and appreciation of our unique European (White) culture. We must recognize it as the bedrock of American liberty and self government.
- Drug testing for welfare recipients. We recognize that not everyone receiving assistance is on drugs, but those who are should not be receiving your tax money. Welfare should be for those who need it - not those who abuse it.
- Rehabilitate our public school system. We must remove the humanist influence in our schools and teach fact based curriculum to further the students knowledge not someone's opinion. Parents should have the option of private or home schooling if they prefer and students should be free to practice their Christian faith in the classroom.
- We support a national law against the practice of homosexuality. This is a Christian nation and the Bible condemns homosexual activity and the perversion of our society which it encourages.
- We support the placing of all persons HIV positive into national hospitals. While the AIDS virus is almost inclusive to homosexuals and those not of European ancestry, many innocent people have contacted the virus. Despite the moral character of a person, the virus is still highly contagious with new and deadlier forms coming out constantly. Everyone who gets it dies! Aids carriers should receive proper medical care while a cure is being researched. This is the only way to stop the spread of the disease. They should be kept from coming into contact with uninfected people.
- Restoring individual freedom to Christian America. People should be allowed to hire who they want, live where they want and practice the Christian faith as they please. Likewise people should be able to sell to whom they want , rent to whom they want and socialize and conduct business with who they want. The government should not interfere with the everyday lives of white Christian Americans.
- We support the voluntary repatriation of everyone not satisfied with living under White Christian rules of conduct back to the native lands of their people. The brightest and best minds of all races will be able to run their own affairs without outside interference. To support their efforts we should provide the financial and technological resources needed for a limited period of time in the building or rebuilding of their independent nations. After that their success or failure is totally up to them.
Gotta love extremists groups. Oh Southern America.
With love
PS: just for the record, I don't support the Klan nor to I condone their actions or beliefs... anything I said that seemed in agreement... tongue in cheek. And if you agree with any of it... I really don't care. :-)
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