Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer Skin

Summertime and the living is easy...

A little too easy.

I hate to admit it, because I'm sure I complain more than anyone else in the world about being
"too busy" but... I'm bored. It's week 6 of the summer I chose (i.e., staying in Auburn and continuing my internship instead of working in Memphis). Today I have

Worked from 9 - 3.

Went to a meeting with the Layman Group and visited two businesses to ask for their support.

Read 15 pages of Catcher in the Rye (yes it's my first time, yes I'm 21, no I didn't have to read it in high school, get off my case. haha)

Took an hour nap.

Watched an episode of Gilmore Girls (season 5, hands down the best season).

Sent about 7 emails (outside of work emails).

Chatted with my fab roommate for about 30 minutes.

And now it's 9 o'clock. and I'm out of things to do. Well, that's not exactly true. There are tons of things I could do. I could read a psych article in preparation for working on my thesis tomorrow. I could work on the Singers alumni database. I could work on graduate school admissions information. I could write (not blogging style, but real style). But... eh. I'm just not motivated to do any of the above.

It's curious, how one can feel like she needs to do something, but not want to do any of the things that are available to do. Blame it on the culture of busy, one that breeds anxiety and hurried actions. I'm part of an unfortunate generation that feels like we need to go go go every second, but only when something needs to immediately be fulfilled. Perplexing.

What do people do when they have nothing to do? I mean, I have hobbies, I read and write and make baskets out of magazine paper. I blog. I crochet. But once I've done all of these things as much as I can possibly do them... then what?

Sadly I don't have an answer yet. I'll work on that. Meanwhile, I'll try to have something more entertaining to write about next time. :-)

With love,

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