Friday, September 4, 2009

9/17/09 - New York Minute

Suddenly it seems like my time in New York is slipping away from me faster than I’d like. 6 weeks seems like a long time, but it’s really not… it’s true what they say about a New York minute. :-( I feel really good about my research though, so that’s good. And when I get home I can go back to blogging about randomness. I feel a blog about marriage coming any day now. haha! But, for now, New York is still on my mind. :-)

Sunday was great, I came right back after church and worked on my survey a bit. I think, eventually (hopefully soon!) it’s going to be just right…ish. lol. Anyway, then Sunday evening I went and got dinner from a little hole in the wall Japanese steak house on 16th street. Mmm, it was sooo good. :-) Then I came back to the dorm and watched the last half of the Lakers-Magic nightmare. What an awful basketball game that was! But it was fun watching one last game with the guys… now we watch movies instead! haha. Last night we watched Transformers in preparation for the sequel next week (even though John won’t get to go with us… sad day). But, yeah, Tuesday the Psychology21C group had a meeting here in Rubin which was… fine. I just felt super frazzled about the whole thing, but it was definitely productive so that was great. So Tuesday afternoon I wandered a bit in the village and just chilled.

Oh, I almost forgot. Had a bit of a run-in with a man working in the food court Monday. Ugh, he was soo creepy, with his gold teeth. ick. Anyway, he just said some inappropriate things to me, so I spoke to the manager of the dining hall about it and I suppose it’s been taken care of. Still, I felt pretty unsettled over it.

Tonight I went with some people from the Church here to see the Wiz at City Theater. It was pretty good. I have friends who hated it, and yeah it did kind of feel like a high school production sometimes (and a poor one at that) but the music was good and most of the singers were good. Oh, I thought Ashanti was pretty bad though. Her vowels are just sooo spread, she sounds like she’s screaming or straining everything. I mean, she’s alright for R&B, and she sounds basically the same live, but there’s no depth to her voice and its.. just not my favorite lol. But, with the production, I feel like they were trying really hard to be innovative, but were lacking in the funds to really back up the ‘good ideas’ they had. Plus, there were so many different creative themes. Like, was it African based or urban based? Not really sure, because both elements were there and the actors didn’t really seem sure either. Everything just felt a bit forced on the creative side, at least from a production standpoint. Some of the individual talent was good though. Loved LaChanze, and the girl from Martin. Not Gina, her friend. haha. All in all, I thought it was a good experience. Especially when they did No Bad News and I was doing choreography in my head… and okay in my seat a little too. And Everybody Rejoice (I did the choreography to that one too… never mind the fact that I wasn’t in AU Singers when that song was done. haha).

I also fell in love with the Greenwich Village library this week. It’s sooo amazing. I know you’re probably thinking, ‘does Shelli do anything but go to libraries in New York.’ Well, yes I do, but when I want to look up information or work quietly I go to the library. I’ve been going uptown to the 42nd Street building (which I still love) but now that I’ve been to the neighborhood one, I think I’ve crossed over.

And reasons why I love the Greenwich Village Library are…

  • It has a clock tower. A legit one, with an entire tower below it. Look up a picture of it, its awesome.
  • The research materials area (and wi-fi area as well) is downstairs in like a dungeon. Seriously, there’s a wooden door down there that just looks like a maiden is being held captive behind it. Pretty cool.
  • The workers there are soo nice. It really feels like a neighborhood library. And they say New Yorkers are rude. Bah. ;-)
  • It’s one block from my dorm. I think that desrves to be on this list. lol
  • The fiction section is upstairs in the tower part, lol, and you have to walk up stairs that go in a circle… I feel like there’s a real name for those stairs but I cannot think of it right now. But, the stairs themselves are cool but what’s cooler is the marble along the walls with a keystone boarder and carving that has a quote about law and human rights in old English script. And then, oh look, another cool wooden door. haha.

So, yeah. Oooh, broke down and bought some straight leg jeans at Urban Outfitters today. and a ridiculously cute hat, and sunglasses. hehe. I have to stop buying stuff, I’m not going to be able to bring it all home! haha

TOMORROW TOMMY WILL BE HERE!! I’m a little excited. :-)

With. love.



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