Friday, September 4, 2009

4/29/09 - Pity and Fear

So, I suck at blogging. And it's really too bad, because I want so badly to be good at it... but I fail. Epically some would say (although I'm not really the type to say epic...). The only reason I'm managing to get this one out is because I should be studying for my Personalities exam, but am avoiding like the swine flu (is it too soon to make swine flu jokes? lol). I was even watching American Idol before this, which shows how little I want to study 'cause clearly American Idol should have ended... 3 seasons ago. Or after Carrie Underwood... whichever came first.

Anyway, I have a confession. I'm obsessed with youtube. It’s really quite ridiculous... I watch people sing or talk or rant all the time. I don't put videos of myself on youtube though. I don't have high enough self esteem for that. I can only imagine... I would post a video of myself, singing or just talking or whatever. And when I logged on the next day, feeling pretty good about myself and hoping that everyone liked it. When I look at it, there will be about 760 comments that read something like this...

**gEtZzZm00nEYnumba1 (32 minutes ago)

wow, tHaT wuz the werst thing I eva seen. Pleeze do u a favr and dnt sing EvA agaIn!!

pRinceSSleah72093 (3 hours ago)

So, you did a pretty good job with the first line, but around the 31st word you started to go about a third flat. I know, because I'm a masters student at the number one music school in the world, and love to post anonymous comments on people's videos and destroy their self esteem because of my expertise. Try to open your mouth a hair wider and to sing from your voice not your throat. Also, attempt to lift your soft pallet higher when you sing higher. That should open up your sound and make you almost worthy of going to the 7th best school in China. Hope this helps!!

Singstationator (7 hours ago)

I think this is a joke meybe im not sur but if its not ur really not a good singer im sorry to sound mean but someone should tell you. its good that you try to sing tho but you should probly find sumthin else totry.

CougarRRawwwrr65 (15 hours ago)

I thought you were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You totally rock and I luv ur YouTUBEing soooo much!! and you're Beautiful!

[but that last one would be my mom].

So it's that fear that keeps me from posting videos on youtube. People are really mean. And stupid. And annoying. And they're twice as bad when they don't have to show their faces. Props to those who do post... I rarely comment on other people's videos... unless I really like them. Or feel inclined to school them on things I know more about than they do. You know, quantum physics. Musical theater. Movie Critiques. Interior design (oh my gosh, that pink on your walls totally clashes with your magenta bedspread... you should really do something about that).

But my youtube addiction really is a problem. So I started countering it by finding other websites to waste time on. Collegehumor, fmylife, failblog, oh my! Slowly my entire life (when I'm not participating in extracurricular activities) is filled with surfing the web and finding ways to waste time. Not okay. At least not for my grades. Or my health probably... yet here I am, still spending my time meandering through the interweb.

But, really, what kind of college student would I be if I acted any differently? Plus, I always pull it together and make good grades. :-)

With love



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